Song Composed In August

推荐阅读:[文野同人] 洛丽塔与帽子架[文豪野犬] 您的好友殉情狂魔已上线我靠换装系统伪装神女超级神掠夺[综漫] 又双叒被主角给救了[综漫] 文野之无望的文豪轻咬丝绒[文野同人] 丧夫后,所有人磕我和重力使的cp逆徒们竟然都想犯上[文野同人] 入泪晚枫林

    song composed in august
    tune—“i had a horse, i had nae mair.”
    now westlin winds and slaught'ring guns
    bring autumn's pleasant weather;
    the moorcock springs on whirring wings
    amang the blooming heather:
    now waving grain, wide o'er the plain,
    delights the weary farmer;
    and the moon shines bright, when i rove at night,
    to muse upon my charmer.
    the partridge loves the fruitful fells,
    the plover loves the mountains;
    the woodcock haunts the lonely dells,
    the soaring hern the fountains:
    thro' lofty groves the cushat roves,
    the path of man to shun it;
    the hazel bush o'erhangs the thrush,
    the spreading thorn the linnet.
    thus ev'ry kind their pleasure find,
    the savage and the tender;
    some social join, and leagues combine,
    some solitary wander:
    avaunt, away! the cruel sway,
    tyrannic man's dominion;
    the sportsman's joy, the murd'ring cry,
    the flutt'ring, gory pinion!
    but, peggy dear, the ev'ning's clear,
    thick flies the skimming swallow,
    the sky is blue, the fields in view,
    all fading-green and yellow:
    come let us stray our gladsome way,
    and view the charms of nature;
    the rustling corn, the fruited thorn,
    and ev'ry happy creature.
    we'll gently walk, and sweetly talk,
    till the silent moon shine clearly;
    i'll grasp thy waist, and, fondly prest,
    swear how i love thee dearly:
    not vernal show'rs to budding flow'rs,
    not autumn to the farmer,
    so dear can be as thou to me,
    my fair, my lovely charmer!


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