Reply To An Announcement By J. Rankine O
推荐阅读:予卿欢、睡了舍友的叔叔、谁比谁能装(骨科H 破镜重圆)、警惕,人工智能会 (np)、捡到破碎的耽美文男主(校园1v1,弯掰直?)、漂亮小魅魔的被调教日常(囚禁 1v2)、《玉壶传》【bg】【古言】【骨科】【结局不定】、蹂纸浆(1v1校园h)、我网恋又翻车了(1v1 高h)、当我嫁人后,剧情突然变得不对劲起来、
reply to an announcement by j. rankine on his writing to the poet,
that a girl in that part of the country was with a child to him.
i am a keeper of the law
in some sma' points, altho' not a';
some people tell me gin i fa',
ae way or ither,
the breaking of ae point, tho' sma',
breaks a' thegither.
i hae been in for't ance or twice,
and winna say o'er far for thrice;
yet never met wi' that surprise
that broke my rest;
but now a rumour's like to rise—
a whaup's i' the nest!
that a girl in that part of the country was with a child to him.
i am a keeper of the law
in some sma' points, altho' not a';
some people tell me gin i fa',
ae way or ither,
the breaking of ae point, tho' sma',
breaks a' thegither.
i hae been in for't ance or twice,
and winna say o'er far for thrice;
yet never met wi' that surprise
that broke my rest;
but now a rumour's like to rise—
a whaup's i' the nest!
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