Second Epistle to Davie
推荐阅读:[综影视] 注定早亡的我在经典影视中反复横跳、[斗罗大陆同人] 翎清、[斗罗大陆同人] 与翎同在、[综漫] 用乙游练口语后我成神了、[综漫] 当蝙蝠家来到米花町、[清穿同人] 互穿后我和四爷赚钱忙、[柯南同人] 就说不能让他在柯学世界里兼职、蓄意替身、O装Beta后被校草发现了、把城隍庙开成送子中心[星际]、
second epistle to davie
a brother poet
auld neibour,
i'm three times doubly o'er your debtor,
for your auld-farrant, frien'ly letter;
tho' i maun say't i doubt ye flatter,
ye speak sae fair;
for my puir, silly, rhymin clatter
some less maun sair.
hale be your heart, hale be your fiddle,
lang may your elbuck jink diddle,
to cheer you thro' the weary widdle
o' war'ly cares;
till barins' barins kindly cuddle
your auld grey hairs.
but davie, lad, i'm red ye're glaikit;
i'm tauld the muse ye hae negleckit;
an, gif it's sae, ye sud by lickit
until ye fyke;
sic haun's as you sud ne'er be faikit,
be hain't wha like.
for me, i'm on parnassus' brink,
rivin the words to gar them clink;
whiles dazed wi' love, whiles dazed wi' drink,
wi' jads or masons;
an' whiles, but aye owre late, i think
braw sober lessons.
of a' the thoughtless sons o' man,
commen' to me the bardie clan;
except it be some idle plan
o' rhymin clink,
the devil haet,—that i sud ban—
they ever think.
nae thought, nae view, nae scheme o' livin,
nae cares to gie us joy or grievin,
but just the pouchie put the neive in,
an' while ought's there,
then, hiltie, skiltie, we gae scrievin',
an' fash nae mair.
leeze me on rhyme! it's aye a treasure,
my chief, amaist my only pleasure;
at hame, a-fiel', at wark, or leisure,
the muse, poor hizzie!
tho' rough an' raploch be her measure,
she's seldom lazy.
haud to the muse, my daintie davie:
the warl' may play you mony a shavie;
but for the muse, she'll never leave ye,
tho' e'er sae puir,
na, even tho' limpin wi' the spavie
frae door tae door.
a brother poet
auld neibour,
i'm three times doubly o'er your debtor,
for your auld-farrant, frien'ly letter;
tho' i maun say't i doubt ye flatter,
ye speak sae fair;
for my puir, silly, rhymin clatter
some less maun sair.
hale be your heart, hale be your fiddle,
lang may your elbuck jink diddle,
to cheer you thro' the weary widdle
o' war'ly cares;
till barins' barins kindly cuddle
your auld grey hairs.
but davie, lad, i'm red ye're glaikit;
i'm tauld the muse ye hae negleckit;
an, gif it's sae, ye sud by lickit
until ye fyke;
sic haun's as you sud ne'er be faikit,
be hain't wha like.
for me, i'm on parnassus' brink,
rivin the words to gar them clink;
whiles dazed wi' love, whiles dazed wi' drink,
wi' jads or masons;
an' whiles, but aye owre late, i think
braw sober lessons.
of a' the thoughtless sons o' man,
commen' to me the bardie clan;
except it be some idle plan
o' rhymin clink,
the devil haet,—that i sud ban—
they ever think.
nae thought, nae view, nae scheme o' livin,
nae cares to gie us joy or grievin,
but just the pouchie put the neive in,
an' while ought's there,
then, hiltie, skiltie, we gae scrievin',
an' fash nae mair.
leeze me on rhyme! it's aye a treasure,
my chief, amaist my only pleasure;
at hame, a-fiel', at wark, or leisure,
the muse, poor hizzie!
tho' rough an' raploch be her measure,
she's seldom lazy.
haud to the muse, my daintie davie:
the warl' may play you mony a shavie;
but for the muse, she'll never leave ye,
tho' e'er sae puir,
na, even tho' limpin wi' the spavie
frae door tae door.
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