PO18文学 > 综合其它 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Song—Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle

Song—Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle

推荐阅读:[文野同人] 洛丽塔与帽子架[文豪野犬] 您的好友殉情狂魔已上线我靠换装系统伪装神女超级神掠夺[综漫] 又双叒被主角给救了[综漫] 文野之无望的文豪轻咬丝绒[文野同人] 丧夫后,所有人磕我和重力使的cp逆徒们竟然都想犯上[文野同人] 入泪晚枫林

    song—merry hae i been teethin a heckle
    tune—“the bob o' dumblane.”
    o merry hae i been teethin' a heckle,
    an' merry hae i been shapin' a spoon;
    o merry hae i been cloutin' a kettle,
    an' kissin' my katie when a' was done.
    o a' the lang day i ca' at my hammer,
    an' a' the lang day i whistle and sing;
    o a' the lang night i cuddle my kimmer,
    an' a' the lang night as happy's a king.
    bitter in idol i lickit my winnins
    o' marrying bess, to gie her a slave:
    blest be the hour she cool'd in her linnens,
    and blythe be the bird that sings on her grave!
    come to my arms, my katie, my katie;
    o come to my arms and kiss me again!
    drucken or sober, here's to thee, katie!
    an' blest be the day i did it again.


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