The Gowden Locks Of Anna

推荐阅读:[综影视] 注定早亡的我在经典影视中反复横跳[斗罗大陆同人] 翎清[斗罗大陆同人] 与翎同在[综漫] 用乙游练口语后我成神了[综漫] 当蝙蝠家来到米花町[清穿同人] 互穿后我和四爷赚钱忙[柯南同人] 就说不能让他在柯学世界里兼职蓄意替身O装Beta后被校草发现了把城隍庙开成送子中心[星际]

    the gowden locks of anna
    yestreen i had a pint o' wine,
    a place where body saw na;
    yestreen lay on this breast o' mine
    the gowden locks of anna.
    the hungry jew in wilderness,
    rejoicing o'er his manna,
    was naething to my hinny bliss
    upon the lips of anna.
    ye monarchs, take the east and west
    frae indus to savannah;
    gie me, within my straining grasp,
    the melting form of anna:
    there i'll despise imperial charms,
    an empress or sultana,
    while dying raptures in her arms
    i give and take wi' anna!
    awa, thou flaunting god of day!
    awa, thou pale diana!
    ilk star, gae hide thy twinkling ray,
    when i'm to meet my anna!
    come, in thy raven plumage, night,
    (sun, moon, and stars, withdrawn a';)
    and bring an angel-pen to write
    my transports with my anna!


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