Scroggam, My Dearie
推荐阅读:[综影视] 注定早亡的我在经典影视中反复横跳、[斗罗大陆同人] 翎清、[斗罗大陆同人] 与翎同在、[综漫] 用乙游练口语后我成神了、[综漫] 当蝙蝠家来到米花町、[清穿同人] 互穿后我和四爷赚钱忙、[柯南同人] 就说不能让他在柯学世界里兼职、蓄意替身、O装Beta后被校草发现了、把城隍庙开成送子中心[星际]、
scroggam, my dearie
there was a wife wonn'd in cockpen, scroggam;
she brew'd gude ale for gentlemen;
sing auld cowl lay ye down by me,
scroggam, my dearie, ruffum.
the gudewife's dochter fell in a fever, scroggam;
the priest o' the parish he fell in anither;
sing auld cowl lay ye down by me,
scroggam, my dearie, ruffum.
they laid the twa i' the bed thegither, scroggam;
that the heat o' the tane might cool the tither;
sing auld cowl, lay ye down by me,
scroggam, my dearie, ruffum.
there was a wife wonn'd in cockpen, scroggam;
she brew'd gude ale for gentlemen;
sing auld cowl lay ye down by me,
scroggam, my dearie, ruffum.
the gudewife's dochter fell in a fever, scroggam;
the priest o' the parish he fell in anither;
sing auld cowl lay ye down by me,
scroggam, my dearie, ruffum.
they laid the twa i' the bed thegither, scroggam;
that the heat o' the tane might cool the tither;
sing auld cowl, lay ye down by me,
scroggam, my dearie, ruffum.
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