A Mans A Man For A That

推荐阅读:[文野同人] 洛丽塔与帽子架[文豪野犬] 您的好友殉情狂魔已上线我靠换装系统伪装神女超级神掠夺[综漫] 又双叒被主角给救了[综漫] 文野之无望的文豪轻咬丝绒[文野同人] 丧夫后,所有人磕我和重力使的cp逆徒们竟然都想犯上[文野同人] 入泪晚枫林

    a man's a man for a' that
    tune—“for a' that.”
    is there for honest poverty
    that hings his head, an' a' that;
    the coward slave—we pass him by,
    we dare be poor for a' that!
    for a' that, an' a' that.
    our toils obscure an' a' that,
    the rank is but the guinea's stamp,
    the man's the gowd for a' that.
    what though on hamely fare we dine,
    wear hoddin grey, an' a that;
    gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine;
    a man's a man for a' that:
    for a' that, and a' that,
    their tinsel show, an' a' that;
    the honest man, tho' e'er sae poor,
    is king o' men for a' that.
    ye see yon birkie, ca'd a lord,
    wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that;
    tho' hundreds worship at his word,
    he's but a coof for a' that:
    for a' that, an' a' that,
    his ribband, star, an' a' that:
    the man o' independent mind
    he looks an' laughs at a' that.
    a prince can mak a belted knight,
    a marquis, duke, an' a' that;
    but an honest man's abon his might,
    gude faith, he maunna fa' that!
    for a' that, an' a' that,
    their dignities an' a' that;
    the pith o' sense, an' pride o' worth,
    are higher rank than a' that.
    then let us pray that come it may,
    (as come it will for a' that,)
    that sense and worth, o'er a' the earth,
    shall bear the gree, an' a' that.
    for a' that, an' a' that,
    it's coming yet for a' that,
    that man to man, the world o'er,
    shall brothers be for a' that.


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