PO18文学 > 综合其它 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Inscription To Miss Jessy Lewars

Inscription To Miss Jessy Lewars

推荐阅读:慈母悲(哨向nph)隔靴搔痒 1v1 H小说大纲里的女主觉醒后(NPH)炸厨房暗有光(H)湖底(亲父女)馐玉(古言1v1)不乖(校园h 1v1 伪骨科)《玉壶传》【bg】【古言】【骨科】【结局不定】小姐的恶犬(GBG NP 恶女万人迷)

    inscription to miss jessy lewars
    on a copy of the scots musical museum, in four volumes, presented to her by burns.
    thine be the volumes, jessy fair,
    and with them take the poet's prayer,
    that fate may, in her fairest page,
    with ev'ry kindliest, best presage
    of future bliss, enroll thy name:
    with native worth and spotless fame,
    and wakeful caution, still aware
    of ill—but chief, man's felon snare;
    all blameless joys on earth we find,
    and all the treasures of the mind—
    these be thy guardian and reward;
    so prays thy faithful friend, the bard.
    dumfries, june 26, 1769.


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